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Binz from Spacespeakers


As a designer in a big corporation, I had to work on multiple projects simultaneously. One of them was “New Retails - Spacespeakers”, a collaborative project with members from different domains of the company. My role was to create the visual design for the merchandise landing page, which was responsive and adaptive for both desktop and mobile devices.


Product Designer


Dec 2021 - Mar 2022


One Mount Consumer - One Mount Group


User Research, Conception, Visual Design

An ambicious project

VinID is one of the main products of One Mount Group, it's a super-app that caters to the daily needs of Vietnamese people, making their lives easier and more affordable. We offer a variety of everyday services, such as grocery shopping, health and beauty vouchers, concert tickets, and more, to millions of users across the country.

We want to grow our user base and attract more young people from the Gen Z generation. Based on our early research on their behavior and preferences, we decided to launch an artist's merchandise store on our app and a landing page that leads to the app. Our goal is to onboard 10% of the fans of that artist.

This project has opened a new era for selling KOL's merchandise on VinID.  After this project, it continued with astist Son Tung MTP.

My role

My task was to design a website that includes a landing page showing all the artist's SKUs, a product detail page, and a page that leads to order and payment.

The hardest part of that job was designing a page that matched both the key visual of Binz's upcoming album and the identity of the app VinID. Most importantly, the site needs to be lean and structured. Only the essentials should appear on the website, with the aim that the prospective customers quickly find their information and are motivated to order.

We picked the Neo Brutalism style for this project because it was perfect for Binz's new single. This style is fresh and no artist in Vietnam has rocked it before. We used some cool elements that show the brutalism design aesthetics, such as separators, typography, color, and asymmetric geometric shapes. I got some inspiration from the websites of The Weeknd and Nicky Minaj, who are awesome artists that our target audience loves.

A image about style guide for website design

The challenge

I was super excited about this project because it's something I have never done before. My team wanted to make sure we nailed it, so I was in charge of conducting a lot of user testing like A/B testing to ensure usability.

I was experimenting with different ways of showing the price of a product to encourage customers to use the VinID app to buy with discounts.

Different designs to guide our users to download the VinID app.

The result

I had a blast working on our website at and seeing the awesome results. In a couple of days, we got 391 orders through the app, which made up 8% of the KPI of the project. And I am so grateful for the amazing support from people in the company.

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